Sunday, January 5, 2014

Become A Money Magnet

I read this article and thought it was worth sharing.

I was thinking how some people seem to just attract success and all of its byproducts of which "money" is one. How is it that others seem that the harder they work (or chase) their money, they seem to actually REPEL money?

Once again, it comes down to Mindset. Enjoy the article.

You’ve already proven your intelligence, talent, and tenacity. You work hard, and you have so much to offer, so why isn’t your value reflected in your pocketbook?

You could be repelling Money with unconscious beliefs and behaviors.

Here are five quick tips to attract more Money into your life:

Money Magnet Tip #1
Appreciate Money! If even a penny shows up on the sidewalk, thank Money for the gift. Don’t worry about denomination; appreciate everything. Think of how good you feel when you're valued for even a small gesture. It’s the same for Money. Every time you practice receiving and appreciating, you train the universe to send you more.

Money Magnet Tip #2
Strengthen your Boundaries. I define boundaries as the courage to say “yes” to what you want and “no” to what you don’t want. You teach the universe how you want to be treated with every choice you make. Let go of what others think about you, and be true to yourself. Clear the clutter and energy drains in your life. Weak boundaries attract exploitation, resentment, and a sense of powerlessness. Strong boundaries build your self esteem, and they free you to focus on what is important to you. This is very attractive.

Money Magnet Tip #3
Make a Wish List. Make a list of 100 things you would be, do or have if money were no object. The length of the list stretches you out of scarcity thinking. The items on the list put what you want on your radar. Wish lists are magical. Through a mental process called Reticular Activation, your mind will start to discover opportunities to manifest the items on your list that may have been invisible to you before. Notice how things on your list will “show up” with the means to pay for them!

Money Magnet Tip #4
Become an excellent Money manager. As my friend John Berg used to say, "Know what you have. Know what you owe. Know where it comes from. Know where it goes." Automatically set aside Money for wealth building, even if you're paying down debt. Learn how to read an Asset/Liability form. Set up Quickbooks or Quicken or a spread sheet. Paying attention to Money makes Money feel appreciated.

Money Magnet Tip #5
Surround yourself with Success. Hang around the people who've mastered what you want to learn, and you'll evolve yourself that much faster. I call this Success by Association. We naturally take on characteristics of the people we are around the most. If you want to be financially free, spend your time with financially successful people who share your values. Pick up their mindset and practices for wealth building. Your worldview and your behavior will naturally shift to support more abundance and prosperity.

Some very good suggestions. Again, my thanks to the author.

Now I want to thank YOU, my loyal reader, with some Life Training education.Let's make 2014 the greatest year of our lives.

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