Monday, December 22, 2014

What's Your Score?

Credit scoring is a system creditors use to help determine whether to give you credit. It also may be used to help decide the terms you are offered or the rate you will pay for the loan.

Information about you and your credit experiences, like your bill-paying history, the number and type of accounts you have, whether you pay your bills by the date they’re due, collection actions, outstanding debt, and the age of your accounts, is collected from your credit report. Using a statistical program, creditors compare this information to the loan repayment history of consumers with similar profiles. For example, a credit scoring system awards points for each factor that helps predict who is most likely to repay a debt. A total number of points — a credit score — helps predict how creditworthy you are: how likely it is that you will repay a loan and make the payments when they’re due.

Some insurance companies also use credit report information, along with other factors, to help predict your likelihood of filing an insurance claim and the amount of the claim. They may consider this information when they decide whether to grant you insurance and the amount of the premium they charge. The credit scores insurance companies use sometimes are called “insurance scores” or “credit-based insurance scores.”

Your credit report is a key part of many credit scoring systems. That’s why it is critical to make sure your credit report is accurate. Federal law gives you the right to get a free copy of your credit reports from each of the three national credit reporting companies once every 12 months.

The Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) also gives you the right to get your credit score from the national credit reporting companies. They are allowed to charge a reasonable fee for the score. When you buy your score, you often get information on how you can improve it.

Everything Has Its Price

Although being rich does have its price, I want to address the price one pays by choosing the path society tells you to take. The path that keeps people just poor enough just to have the illusion of security. The path that takes you through (maybe) college and to find a job. The path that a vast majority of people take.

And the reason the vast majority of people are miserable and poor.

What price does choosing this path cost? I would have to say; your freedom mostly. Freedom to live the life you want. The life of your dreams. As children we all had our dreams of what we wanted to be when we grew up. But somewhere along the line we were subtly convinced that life didn't matter any longer. What mattered was the false security of our parents and what society tell you. Our dreams have died.

So why on earth would you actually choose a path of slavery to a job that you hate and a life that falls short of your dreams? Why would you choose a path of constant struggle and worry? Why have you demonized money simply because you have none? Shouldn't you more be demonizing your educational choices that didn't teach you about how to use money as a tool. A tool that, once learned, will break those financial chains that bind you to your boss that treats you like shit. You all have them dont lie. Every person I know that has a job and a boss does nothing but piss and moan about them.

Why would you want to have such misery in your life?

Im addressing this article to myself just as much as to the reader. I too need to adjust my perception about things in my life - money included - because I KNOW I want more in life than I have. So do you my dear reader. I hope this churned up some feelings within your gut. That proves that you're alive and there is still hope for folks like us.

Its time to change our perceptions about things. Things that REALLY matter to us. To ignore the distractions and truly focus on what we want our lives to be like. Dare to dream the dreams of our youth once again. What do you really want? Remove all limiting beliefs and just dream about what you want, who you want to be and how you really want to live. It ALL has a price, just as the choices you have made until now have.

EVERYTHING has a price. Figure out what you want and what price it comes with. Then just figure out how to pay that price.

Saturday, December 20, 2014

Pay Attention to The Inner Creatives

There comes a time in a persons life when they have an epiphany where they realize that everything is going to work itself out fine in line with the direction you have in your mind. A feeling of self confidence and clarity that is almost overwhelming starts to overtake you. You start to get excited like you haven't been in years.

That's where I'm at now. The voices in my head seem to be in tune with one another to the point where I have that "but of course" revelation. It's so simple why didn't I see it before. It's these types of things that make me believe that we put things together when we sleep. Our brains are going 24/7 and we might access the solutions to once perplexing issues if we just become aware.

2015 is going to be awesome. The last couple of years have been life changing and it seems that things are going in a positive direction. I will spend the next couple of weeks reflecting on things accomplished and planning my wants, needs and desires to be attained in the coming year. This ones gonna be epic!

Listening to your gut feelings or your instincts can help you achieve any outcome desired in life. All you got to do is PAY ATTENTION!

I hope to get to know you dear reader. As you get to know me. Please share this with others in your life who you think might enjoy this blog. In 2015 I am taking it to a new level and would appreciate any feedback.

Saturday, December 13, 2014

We Have Been Duped

Robert Kiyosaki and his infamous book Rich Dad, Poor Dad lays out the reality of how we are being taught wrong concerning money. We are taught from birth to be slaves to money and society is the jailer. We need to start thinking outside the box that the world has kept us in.

I am quite offended on how we are trained to be obedient little workers bee's and conform with the status quo. To go with the flow. Everyone I know that works a job they hate complains about never having enough money. They get behind on their bills. They are devastated if an unexpected expense comes up. Why? What is it that separates the haves and the have nots?

Why do we live like we do? Ultimately it all boils down to being a choice so why do we choose to not live the life of our dreams?

Crazy right?

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

I Am A Rock - I Am An Island

Entrepreneurs are a breed of their own. 

While many people fantasize about breaking free from their 9-to-5 to be their own boss, few people actually follow through. This is because the entrepreneurial lifestyle might look great from the outside, but is filled with speedbumps, challenges, and plenty of stress.

The entrepreneurs who are successful on this rocky road, however, share a few traits in common. Thinking like an entrepreneur means leaving the beaten path and going off in new directions. It means leaving behind the fear of the unknown, because from now on, the unknown is where you’ll reside.

The entrepreneurial life isn’t for everyone. While you might dream about saying goodbye to your boss for good, the stresses of starting your own company solo might be worth a little annoyance to keep your day job.

A worker bee can kick back and relax, but entrepreneurs have to keep their eyes on the future at all times. Like a shark, they can never stop swimming or they’ll die.

I would like to build a network of entrepreneurs, whether you are just starting out or are a seasoned vet - CONTACT ME NOW!

Thursday, October 23, 2014

Change Your Environment – Change Your Financial Future.

Don’t Speak The Language Of Poverty

How many hours do we spend in school learning financial wisdom?


So where do you learn your financial habits?

From other adults, mainly your parents. If your parents spent foolishly, their actions taught you to spend foolishly. If your parents spent wisely, you would gravitate towards wisdom in finances.Did you grow up with the language of poverty that sounds like “we can’t afford it,” or “we don’t have the money” or “that’s for rich people, not us.” ?

All those statements are victimized, poverty statements. Change your language.

Eliminate Unhealthy Financial Traditions
Unhealthy traditions pass from one generation to the next. If you are serious about breaking yours, you can succeed. How?
  • Make a decision: Do you like where you are financially? Are you tired of the pressure of debt? If so, decide today to do whatever it takes to achieve financial independence.
  • Learn some new skills to replace the poor skills you learned from those around you.
  • Repetition is the mother of skill. Through repetition you learned poor financial skills; through repetition you will learn great financial skills. Beware who you learn from. You should learn from someone who has a lot of money – not just someone who looks the part. Most people are far from reaching their goal of financial independence.
Understand The Power Of Repetition
We learned how to walk, talk and eat by watching those around us. Everything we know how to do, we learned – or were at least were influenced by those around us. Have you ever said, “I will never be like…” or swore to do things differently from your parents, only to find yourself saying and doing those exact things? History repeats itself! Decisions made without establishing new skills will lead to failure of the decisions becoming a reality.

A Solid Financial Foundation Starts Early Your children are always listening and watching, whether you realize it or not. Groom them for success instead of unintentionally grooming them for failure. Their success will come from you. When they learn while young, success becomes a part of their very fiber instead of hoping they will succeed they will be groomed to succeed!

Help someone else succeed, and you change your financial future.

Remember - You ARE what you think about.

I am looking to put together a community of like minded folks that still dare to dream and have the entrepreneurial heart of a lion. Contact me for details

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

How Bad Do You Want It?

You know where you want to be. You have set that goal.

You know exactly where you are now. You have identified HONESTLY your starting point. You have identified your strengths and weaknesses. You have realistically assessed the situation and realize that change MUST occur. Sacrifices and adjustments must be made.

NOW…how bad do you want it?

Do you look at your goal as a model airplane that you need to work on a little bit to complete?

Or do you look at your goal as your drowning child in the middle of a lake that you MUST rescue. NO MATTER WHAT, you need to reach them despite the obstacles. You don’t have a lot of time to devise a plan, you just have to get there?

Which of the above scenarios do you think would drive you towards your goal better?
If you sit and wait and plan and rethink then re-plan
then sit and wait and think some more, your child will surely drown. Some people are at the point where their goals in life are “going down for the third time” and they will continue to let life design them as opposed to the other way around.

Design your life to its fullest. Truly decide what it is you want and where you want to be. See it as your drowning child and dive into that water. Don’t wait until sunrise or for warmer weather or for it to stop raining or until your ass stops hurting or… JUST FUCKING GET OUT THERE AND DO IT!

Rescuing your child starts with a single action step. 

Followed up by a series of others. 

And others. 

And others.

But what is your alternative?

Join me. Let’s do it together. Let’s hold each other accountable.

Sunday, October 12, 2014

Simply Decide

de—ci—sion [ di sí'n ] (plural de—ci—sions)
1. something somebody has chosen: something that somebody chooses or
makes up his or her mind about, after considering it and other possible choices
made a final decision on the guest list
2. firmness in choosing something: the ability to choose or decide about things
in a clear and definite way without too much hesitation or delay
a man of decision
3. process of choosing: the process of coming to a conclusion or determination
about something

It is when you truly decide to take action that good things start to happen.

In any moment of decision, the best thing you can do is the right thing, the next best thing is the wrong thing, and the worst thing you can do is nothing.
- Theodore Roosevelt

Make the decision to change your life now. Dont wait until tomorrow or the next day. Do it now!!!

Saturday, October 11, 2014

About Your Resume

Anyone can write a resume, but very few can write, format, and strategically package a highly effective resume. 

We know this from having worked in the employment field for many years. We impart our expertise of resumes and hiring to ensure your resume gets amazing results

There is a lot riding on your resume including job, career, and financial security. Resumes are the foundation key to success. It must represent and sell you at the highest level possible to employers. If you market yourself with a resume you prepared, you will limit your job options.

Many people convince themselves that their resume is good, good enough, or it is not a resume issue. This is a mistake. You are selling a service to companies. You should represent and market yourself to employers with an exceptional document prepared by trained professionals

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

On The Road Again

When it comes to retiring, many of us have been raised with a nest egg mentality.

A nest egg is substantial sum of money that has been saved, usually for most people, for retirement.

Save up, and once we reach a certain age, the nest egg will provide us with what we need for life. 

Unfortunately due to lack of financial education and unstable economies, many people are stuck working 2-3 jobs, even our seniors are forced to work to live. We want to help people change this. We show people how to create systems & assets or 'chickens' that keep on producing 'eggs'.

 Live Events and Colleagues are the support you need to build 'chickens' & 'eggs' (systems & assets) which create cash flow that can last for generations, so that we can help YOU Achieve Long Term Real Estate Investors Success.

One of the most valuable things we have learned during this process is that there isn't just one way to run a real estate investing business. Instead, it takes multiple methods to approaching real estate opportunities to become a truly successful real estate business owner. Because of the specifics of the real estate industry, our real estate systems work hand in hand to help people build successful real estate investing careers.

We are creating communities of successful real estate investors connected nationwide and are rapidly expanding. With this home based business opportunity, one can get trained and work from home or office, P/T, F/T, Spare time with unlimited access to year round networking and training both live and online.

We are all investors whether we like it or not.

We are either getting paid to live, or we are paying someone to live. You either pay rent to someone, or maybe you buy and own property, hoping to pay it off and reap the benefits later. So we are all investing one way or the other, the question is would you like the right knowledge to capitalize on real estate that you come across, and get paid instead of constantly paying someone to live.

The Renatus Real Estate Investor Training program brings all aspects of Real Estate Investing together - Tax & Legal Strategies, Finding the Best Deals & Hungry Buyers, Probates, Tax Liens & Deeds, Real Estate Red Flags, Wholesaling, Fix & Flips, Short Sales, Lease Options, Rentals or Buy and Hold, Multi-Family, Commercial, Joint Ventures, etc. to put together win-win situations for homeowners and investors all across the United States.

Contact me for further information on how to become part of this rapidly growing community!

When it comes to retiring, many of us have been raised with a nest egg mentality. A nest egg is substantial sum of money that has been saved, usually for most people, for retirement. Save up, and once we reach a certain age, the nest egg will provide us with what we need for life. Unfortunately due to lack of financial education and unstable economies, many people are stuck working 2-3 jobs, even our seniors are forced to work to live. We want to help people change this. We show people how to create systems & assets or 'chickens' that keep on producing 'eggs'. Live Events and Colleagues are the support you need to build 'chickens' & 'eggs' (systems & assets) which create cash flow that can last for generations, so that we can help YOU Achieve Long Term Real Estate Investors Success.

One of the most valuable things we have learned during this process is that there isn't just one way to run a real estate investing business. Instead, it takes multiple methods to approaching real estate opportunities to become a truly successful real estate business owner. Because of the specifics of the real estate industry, our real estate systems work hand in hand to help people build successful real estate investing careers. We are creating communities of successful real estate investors connected nationwide and are rapidly expanding. With this home based business opportunity, one can get trained and work from home or office, P/T, F/T, Spare time with unlimited access to year round networking and training both live and online.

We are all investors whether we like it or not. We are either getting paid to live, or we are paying someone to live. You either pay rent to someone, or maybe you buy and own property, hoping to pay it off and reap the benefits later. So we are all investing one way or the other, the question is would you like the right knowledge to capitalize on real estate that you come across, and get paid instead of constantly paying someone to live. The Renatus Real Estate Investor Training program brings all aspects of Real Estate Investing together - Tax & Legal Strategies, Finding the Best Deals & Hungry Buyers, Probates, Tax Liens & Deeds, Real Estate Red Flags, Wholesaling, Fix & Flips, Short Sales, Lease Options, Rentals or Buy and Hold, Multi-Family, Commercial, Joint Ventures, etc. to put together win-win situations for homeowners and investors all across the United States.

To learn more about our nationwide community of investors, our training and how you can benefit from working with us, please - See more at:
One of the most valuable things we have learned during this process is that there isn't just one way to run a real estate investing business. Instead, it takes multiple methods to approaching real estate opportunities to become a truly successful real estate business owner. Because of the specifics of the real estate industry, our real estate systems work hand in hand to help people build successful real estate investing careers. We are creating communities of successful real estate investors connected nationwide and are rapidly expanding. With this home based business opportunity, one can get trained and work from home or office, P/T, F/T, Spare time with unlimited access to year round networking and training both live and online.

We are all investors whether we like it or not. We are either getting paid to live, or we are paying someone to live. You either pay rent to someone, or maybe you buy and own property, hoping to pay it off and reap the benefits later. So we are all investing one way or the other, the question is would you like the right knowledge to capitalize on real estate that you come across, and get paid instead of constantly paying someone to live. The Renatus Real Estate Investor Training program brings all aspects of Real Estate Investing together - Tax & Legal Strategies, Finding the Best Deals & Hungry Buyers, Probates, Tax Liens & Deeds, Real Estate Red Flags, Wholesaling, Fix & Flips, Short Sales, Lease Options, Rentals or Buy and Hold, Multi-Family, Commercial, Joint Ventures, etc. to put together win-win situations for homeowners and investors all across the United States.

To learn more about our nationwide community of investors, our training and how you can benefit from working with us, please - See more at:
One of the most valuable things we have learned during this process is that there isn't just one way to run a real estate investing business. Instead, it takes multiple methods to approaching real estate opportunities to become a truly successful real estate business owner. Because of the specifics of the real estate industry, our real estate systems work hand in hand to help people build successful real estate investing careers. We are creating communities of successful real estate investors connected nationwide and are rapidly expanding. With this home based business opportunity, one can get trained and work from home or office, P/T, F/T, Spare time with unlimited access to year round networking and training both live and online.

We are all investors whether we like it or not. We are either getting paid to live, or we are paying someone to live. You either pay rent to someone, or maybe you buy and own property, hoping to pay it off and reap the benefits later. So we are all investing one way or the other, the question is would you like the right knowledge to capitalize on real estate that you come across, and get paid instead of constantly paying someone to live. The Renatus Real Estate Investor Training program brings all aspects of Real Estate Investing together - Tax & Legal Strategies, Finding the Best Deals & Hungry Buyers, Probates, Tax Liens & Deeds, Real Estate Red Flags, Wholesaling, Fix & Flips, Short Sales, Lease Options, Rentals or Buy and Hold, Multi-Family, Commercial, Joint Ventures, etc. to put together win-win situations for homeowners and investors all across the United States.

To learn more about our nationwide community of investors, our training and how you can benefit from working with us, please - See more at:

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Job Interview Tips

Here are some questions that you may face in your next interview, along with tips on how -- and how not to answer them.

"Can you tell me a little about yourself?"

Do: Prepare for this popular question -- which is often the first one asked -- by developing an summary of your career. Include enough detail about your pertinent skills, work experience, accomplishments and goals that the hiring manager can quickly see what you bring to the table.

Don't: Give your life story, discuss leisure pursuits or describe aspects of your professional background that aren't relative to the position you're interviewing for.

"Why do you want to join our company?"

Do: Walk into the interview with basics knowledge of the firm. Read the company's website, marketing materials  to gain a good grasp of its mission, history, reputation and corporate culture. The more information you collect, the more specific you can be about why you're an excellent fit.
Don't: Answer in the context of your financial needs. Saying "I hear you provide good pay and benefits" or "Frankly, I need a job" won't score you any points.

"What's your biggest weakness?"

Do: View this as an opportunity to demonstrate your sincerity and problem-solving prowess. Mention an area where you could improve and the steps you've taken to do so.
Here's an example: "In the past, I sometimes overextended myself. Reading time-management books has helped me, though. I've learned it's OK to delegate and I volunteer for extra projects only when I'm caught up on core responsibilities."
Don't: Offer a transparently fake flaw ("I care too much about my work!") or pretend to be perfect ("Weaknesses? None come to mind."). 

"Where do you see yourself in five years?"

Do: Position yourself as an ambitious but flexible realist.  You also might emphasize your commitment to lifelong learning by mentioning your interest in attaining advanced certifications.
Don't:  For instance, boldly proclaiming you intend to be the firm's next CEO when you're an entry-level accounting candidate certainly shows drive, but it's not a practical five-year objective. In addition, steer clear of fanciful daydreaming ("I'll be counting my lottery winnings on a beach").
"Why are you looking to leave your current employer?"

Do: The interviewer is trying to figure out if you truly want the position, or if you're looking for any way out of a bad job. As such, what you like about the role you're seeking rather than gripe about the one you hope to vacate. Make it clear you're chasing a great opportunity, not running away from an unpleasant situation.
Don't: Speak ill of your current employer. Regardless of how unhappy you are with your job or company, never act bitter or resentful in an interview. Hiring managers seek candidates who are loyal, positive-minded and team-oriented. They aren't inclined to hire people they perceive to be potential headaches.

You owe it to yourself to paint the best possible picture of yourself during the interview but before you GET an interview, being prepared with the best possible resume is VITAL in your job search. Hiring a professional writer is HIGHLY recommended. I write resumes for $20. Contact me now for details AND a FREE gift!

Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Our Credit Repair In 45 Days

You made the choice to get on the right track and get your credit file in order and you start working with us to help. We are glad you're here and we can't wait to do all we can to help you reach your credit goals. If you ever have any questions just let us know and we will get you answers.

Day Two
Usually, you will get a call the day after you start your service with us. We will ask if you have any additional questions and let you know the next steps in your credit repair process. These first couple of days are very important!

Day Three
Hopefully by day three you will have provided us access to your credit monitoring account and our ``Audit Masters`` will be combing through it line by line so we know exactly what steps to take in order to give you the best results possible.

Day Four
Usually by this point, your audit is complete and delivered to you... It is at this time that your Audit Fee will be charged. When your Audit fee clears, your file is sent to our processing team to begin the credit repair process.

Day Five
Usally around this time is when you will begin the deletion/Repair portion of our service. We will begin communicating with credit bureaus, creditors, even court houses in some cases. This will seem like it takes FOREVER! It's usually a 30-40 day process.

Days Six To Thirty-nine
This is where the real work happens... Bureaus are conducting investigations, creditors are checking info, and collection agencies are validating accounts. You will begin receiving responses from the different entities. We need copies of the mail you get. It allows us to move forward with your file

Day Forty
This is a BIG day... this is the first time we review for changes on the report. We will know if the collection agencies or creditors have removed or repaired the items on which you chose for us to work.

Day Forty-One
The day after you receive your invoice is the day we will charge your payment. If you have a large number of deletions and have a high balance, DON'T WORRY, we only charge a maximum of $100 per month for an individual and $150 per month for a couple. This way you can pay out your balance over time with no extra fees or interest.

Then we start back from Day 5 and repeat the entire process again. We will continue this cycle until we have fixed all items or have exhausted all efforts trying.

Contact me NOW to get started!

Monday, September 29, 2014

Another Credit Card Breach

This time it hit Chicago owned Jewel - Osco stores.

The credit card companies and banks have apparently had enough and are changing the way your personal information is being stored on the card itself.

EVM chips are now the standard in Europe. (EVM standing for European Visa and Mastercard) and currently 18% of credit card holders in America have a card with this chip installed. Consequently merchant terminals are becoming obsolete.
"The parent company of Jewel grocery stores (Supervalu and Albertsons)
is alerting customers to a card fraud incident at some of its stores, including Jewel-Osco stores in Iowa, Illinois and Indiana.
“The new malware may have captured account numbers, expiration date, other numerical information and/or the cardholder’s name.  
AB Acquisition LLC, which operates Jewel-Osco, Albertsons and Shaw’s and Star Markets under New Albertson’s, Inc., said in a statement it was recently notified by its third party IT services provider of a “separate, more recent, attempted criminal intrusion seeking  to obtain payment card information used in some of its stores.” 
“The Company has been informed that different malware was used in this recently discovered incident than was used in the incident previously announced on August 14, 2014,” the statement goes on to say."
Okay I have a problem with this. First and foremost is WHY haven't consumers heard about this sooner? If this incident happened August 14 and it is now 2 days from October...Oh never mind.

The list of companies having credit card security issues growing on a near daily basis and these are just the ones being reported. Hobby Lobby, Home Depot. Target. ALL have compromised the personal information of their customers.

That is exactly why credit cards are now being issued with a special EVM chip that will require merchants to update their credit card processing terminals or be held liable for any consumer losses processed with a current mag stripe reader. Merchants will have until 2016 to update their systems.

For more information on EVM chip readers contact me at 417.396.2883

Sunday, September 28, 2014

Banks HATE Start-Ups!

If your company is less than 2 years old, you will find it almost impossible to get a loan from a bank. So how can an entrepreneur eliminate that problem and add years to their corporate resume?

The answer is with the use of a shelf corporation.

What is a Shelf Corporation?

A true shelf corporation is a company that was formed years ago for the sole purpose of putting it on a “shelf” to age, and then resold after it has matured to a fundable age. These corps are free from any liens or encumbrances and have never conducted business or been attached to a Tax ID number.

Banks HATE start up companies. Most banks will not lend money to brand new business entities. Having a longer clean corporate history may help you get approved sooner for those cash lines and business credit cards.

Building business credit is much like building anything else, you start with a foundation and work your way up. Your business credit foundation is your business itself. Acquiring lines of credit without personal guarantees or using your personal credit scores means that you're going to need to establish your business foundation for building credit.

Benefits of a Pre-Established Corporation:

By owning a pre-established corporate entity, you are able to take advantage of the following benefits:

  1. Instant availability & fast delivery
  2. Show longevity of company filing
  3. Immediately own a company with a filing history
  4. Ready for immediate transfer as no stock are currently issued
  5. May help when applying for contracts and financing
Contact me for more information if you are looking to avoid the obsatcles and pitfalls of most start up companies. 417.396.2883

Saturday, September 27, 2014

A Bailout For Merchants

I have been in sales all my life and many of those years I was selling merchant services. It wasn't until recently that I have found something that no other company is offering and I think its the greatest thing to come around in quite some time.

The Flex-Chex Retail Payday program gives the merchant the opportunity to offer their customers (clients or patients) the ability to "buy now pay later" with no credit check and ZERO risk to the merchant.

The Flex-Chex No Credit Needed Payment Program does not base the purchase and credit request of a consumers credit but their ability to repay. To qualify the customer only needs a checking account in good standing with their financial institution.

For further information contact me at 417.396.2883

Friday, September 26, 2014

RAVE Reviews For My Resume Service!

I dont like to brag bu....

Who am I kidding? I LOVE to brag.

And I have a good reason to. I create the most awesome resumes for job seekers. (For ONLY $20)

Here is what a couple of recent clients have said:
"WOW! I have never seen a resume so well written. MY resume is better than anyone else's. Thank you so very much" - Pam 
"So AWESOMELY perfect!" Mohammed 

I am humbled by such a response. Humbled and honored.

I even have people giving me MORE than the $20 that I ask for. That speaks VOLUMES to me and I THANK YOU so much for your kind words, patronage and most importantly - the referrals you have sent me.

Word of mouse advertising works wonders.

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

The Future Of Credit Card Processing

I just read a story of how there has been a data breach nationwide at Jimmy Johns sandwich shops. This, along with the Home Depot and Target stores suffering the same fate - literally putting MILLIONS of credit and debit card holders account information at risk.

The solution is coming in the form of the data chip.

Mag stripe readers will be rendered useless in 2016 when all merchants will either upgrade their processing terminals to read the data chip or be held liable for fraudulent magnetic stripe transactions. Good idea and for someone that is in the merchant services business LIKE ME it spells O-P-P-O-R-T-U-N-I-T-Y.

Contact me for more information or just Google EMV chip and check out the results. Just get back to me if you want to upgrade your obsolete service.

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

My Bad


Looks like one of my deals has gone south.

Budget Mobile - the company that I was signing up low income individuals for Lifeline service - has not paid me on commissions due. It's not a lot of money but thats not the point. Point being that since DAY 1 Taurus Owens of Budget Mobile has lied to me. Company collateral, marketing pieces and office support were NEVER delivered either. I had a bad feeling about Taurus Owens and Budget Mobile when there was an immediate discrepancy in per unit sign up commissions.

But you live and learn and one thing that I learned is multiple streams of income.

So Taurus Owens and Budget Mobile...just let me say that word of mouth (or in this case word of mouse) can either make or break a business. I will let everyone know what a shit company you are and that you dont care about paying your reps.

Monday, September 22, 2014

So...You Are Looking To Start A Business

There are some things you should know before moving forward.

1 - Banks HATE start up companies! 

I will repeat Banks HATE start up companies! 

A bank underwriter’s only job is to assess risk, and it is no secret that a very large percentage of new businesses fail within the first 12 months, for that reason most banks refuse to lend to any company that is less than 2 years old.

2 - Filing all the necessary paperwork with the state and IRS will take time and money, depending on your home state it could take anywhere from 3 days to 3 months to get up and running. If you have every dealt with the secretary of state before, you know that they are usually not willing to help when filling out legal forms, and unless you are an attorney, this task can be daunting. If you fill something out incorrectly, which happens more often than not, you will have to wait until the Secretary of State catches your error and then start the process all over again.

I have found a solution to both of these problems! 

A funding source that offer existing corporations that are already at least 3 years old! These corporations are in good standing with the secretary of state, and since they are already up and running, you can be the new owner in as little as 24 hours.

Here are some advantages to purchasing an already existing corporation:
    - Increased access to credit 
    - Instant credibility with clients (based on your age) 
    - Access to state bidding opportunities (they usually require you are in business for a certain period of time) 
    - Instant start up 

All of the corporations are unused with no business history, which means you will technically be the first owners of the company and no Tax ID number has been issued prior to you. This protects you against purchasing a company that may have bad debt associated with it. Savvy business owners have been using this technique for years to help get off the ground faster!

It is a fact that businesses that are at least 3 years old are 88% more likely to get approved for funding compared to a start up.

Don’t waste your time starting a new company, when you can add years to your corporate resume by contacting me today and get more information about our aged shelf corporations.

The Perfect Resume

We all know there is no such thing as a perfect resume.

There are so many rules out there that sometimes even recruiters can't agree on what you should or shouldn't include. However, you can follow the basic resume rules to perfect your resume and make it stand out. To get an objective and professional opinion is vital. Having a person who has "sat in the big chair" and knows first hand what hiring managers and employers look for in the stack of resumes they receive on a daily basis.

So what makes you think yours will stand out?

Many job seekers make the mistake of including too much specific information on their resume. They forget that the purpose of a resume is NOT to land you that job but to get you the interview.

Let me say that again for you:

The purpose of a resume is NOT to land you that job but to get you the interview

This may come as a shock to you but the sooner you realize it you can adjust your approach to get you that interview. There's that old saying that you have to crawl before you can walk. The same holds true in writing your resume. You have to get the interview before you can get the job.

Check out my resume service. For $20 I will give you the resume that will get you that interview. The rest is up to you.

Sunday, September 21, 2014

I'm Back and Better Than Ever!

It has been an eventful year which was most recently capped off by a relocation to The Ozarks!

This has turned out to be one of the greatest moves that I've ever made so I would like to "pay it forward" if you will by giving away copies of my ebook "Your Guide to Perfect Credit"

One of the many things that you will notice on this blog is that I am doing many different things to achieve our goals - one of which is to purchase acreage. Lots and lots of wooded acreage! - and Im sure some things will be replaced with others but the whole point is is that I got my mojo back. I have a new zest for life down here. It's hard to explain really.

But CLICK HERE and you will be taken to the download site and be sure to tell me what you think of it. I have also associated myself with people that can actually help if you're in need of debt relief services or education.

Love you all and THANK YOU!!!

Monday, February 3, 2014

Goal Setting Is F'n BORING!

Goal setting involves establishing specific, measurable, achievable, realistic and time-targeted goals Work on the theory of goal-setting suggests that an effective tool for making progress is to ensure that participants in a group with a common goal are clearly aware of what is expected from them.

On a personal level, setting goals helps people work towards their own objectives. Goal setting features as a major component of personal development literature.

It is considered an “open” theory, so as new discoveries are made it is modified. Studies have shown that specific and ambitious goals lead to a higher level of performance than easy or general goals. As long as the individual accepts the goal, has the ability to attain it, and does not have conflicting goals, there is a positive linear relationship between goal difficulty and task performance.

Goals are a form of motivation that sets the standard for self-satisfaction with performance. Achieving the goal one has set for oneself is a measure of success, and being able to meet job challenges is a way one measures success in the workplace.



If this is the way one looks at goal setting, or should I say for those that actually take the time to set them in the first place, a drastic change needs to occur in such a person.

Goal setting is a dream accompanied by an action plan. If you think goal setting is boring, you have obviously forgotten how to dream. Remember as children we all had lofty crazy thoughts of what we wanted to be in life. But when did those crazy dreams become considered as crazy? The answer to that question is when you became what society has dictated you to become. Somehow, somewhere, someone told you that life is supposed to be a certain regimented way. They taught you how to think as they have been taught to think instead of encouraging you to pursue your dreams and think on your own.

So, let's start by unlearning what you have learned and learn to dream as children dream. Without restriction. Without limitations. All things are possible.

DARE to dream

Mindset Minute 02/03/14

Thursday, January 30, 2014


The Courage to Take Action Article by: Brian Tracy


Perhaps the greatest challenge that you will ever face in life is the conquest of fear and the development of the habit of courage. Winston Churchill once wrote, “Courage is rightly considered the foremost of virtues, for upon it, all others depend.” Fear is, and always has been, the greatest enemy of mankind. When Franklin D. Roosevelt said, “The only thing we have to fear is fear itself,” he was saying that the emotion of fear, rather than the reality of what we fear, is the cause of the associated anxiety, stress, and unhappiness. When we develop the habit of courage and unshakable self-confidence, a whole new world of possibilities opens up to us. Just think: What would you dare to dream, be, or do if you were not afraid of anything in the whole world?

Fortunately, the habit of courage can be learned, just as any other skill is learned. To do so, we need to go to work systematically to diminish and eradicate our fears, while simultaneously building the kind of courage that will enable us to deal fearlessly with the inevitable ups and downs of life.

Syndicated columnist Ann Landers wrote, “If I were asked to give what I considered the single most useful bit of advice for all humanity, it would be this: Expect trouble as an inevitable part of life, and when it comes, hold your head high. Look it squarely in the eye and say, ‘I will be bigger than you. You cannot defeat me.’ ” This is the kind of attitude that leads to victory.

The starting point in overcoming fear and developing courage is to look at the factors that predispose us toward fear.

The root source of fear is childhood conditioning that caused us to experience two types of fear: the fear of failure, which causes us to think, I can’t, I can’t, I can’t; and the fear of rejection, which causes us to think, I have to, I have to, I have to.

Based on those fears, we become preoccupied with the idea of losing our money, our time, our emotional investment in a relationship. We become hypersensitive to the opinions and possible criticisms of others, sometimes to the point where we are afraid to do anything that anyone else might disapprove of. Our fears tend to paralyze us, holding us back from taking constructive action in the direction of our dreams and goals. We hesitate, we become indecisive, and we procrastinate; we make excuses and find reasons not to move ahead. And finally, we feel frustrated, caught in the double bind of “I have to, but I can’t” and “I can’t, but I have to.”

Fear is also caused by ignorance. When we have limited information, we tend to be tense and insecure about the outcome of our actions. Ignorance causes us to fear change, to fear the unknown, and to avoid trying anything new or different. But the reverse is also true. The very act of gathering more and more information about a particular subject causes us to be more courageous and confident in that area. There are parts of our life when we have no fear at all because we feel knowledgeable and capable of handling whatever happens.

Once you’ve recognized the factors that can cause fear, the second step in overcoming it is to sit down and take the time to objectively define and analyze your own fears. At the top of a sheet of paper, write down the question, “What am I afraid of?”

Now, before you begin, here’s an important point to remember: All intelligent people are afraid of something. It is normal and natural to be concerned about your physical, emotional, and financial survival. The courageous person is not a person who is unafraid. As Mark Twain said, “Courage is resistance to fear, mastery of fear — not absence of fear.”

It is not whether or not you are afraid. We are all afraid. The question is, How do you deal with the fear? The courageous person is simply one who goes forward in spite of the fear. And here’s something else I’ve learned: When you confront your fears and move toward what you are afraid of, your fears diminish and your self-esteem and self-confidence increase.

However, when you avoid the things you fear, your fears grow until they begin to control every aspect of your life. And as your fears increase, your self-esteem, your self-confidence, and your self-respect diminish accordingly.

Begin your list of fears by writing down everything, major and minor, over which you experience anxiety. The most common fears, of course, are those related to failure and rejection, but be more specific than that.

Some people, compelled by the fear of failure, invest an enormous amount of energy justifying or covering up their mistakes. And some people, compelled by the fear of rejection, are so obsessed with how they appear to others that they seem to have no ability at all to take independent action. Until they are absolutely certain that someone else will approve, they refrain from doing anything.

Once you have made a list of every fear that you think may be affecting your thinking and behavior, organize the items in order of importance. Which fear do you feel has the greatest impact on your thinking or holds you back more than any other? Which fear would be number two? And so on.

With regard to your predominant fear, write the answers to these three questions:
  1. How does this fear hold me back in life?
  2. How does this fear help me? How has it helped me in the past?
  3. What would be my payoff for eliminating this fear?
Some years ago, I went through this exercise and concluded that my biggest fear was the fear of poverty. I was afraid of not having enough money, of being broke, perhaps even of being destitute. I knew that this fear had originated during my childhood because my parents, who grew up during tough times, had continually worried about money. My fear was reinforced when I was broke at various times during my 20s. I could objectively assess the origins of that fear, but it still had a strong hold on me. Even when I had sufficient money for all my needs, that fear was always there.

My answer to the question “How does this fear hold me back in life?” was that it caused me to be anxious about taking risks with money. It caused me to play it safe with regard to employment. And it caused me to choose security over opportunity.

My answer to the second question, “How does this fear help me?,” was that, in order to escape the fear of poverty, I tended to work much longer and harder. I was ambitious and determined. I took much more time to educate myself on the various ways that money could be invested. The fear of poverty was, in effect, driving me toward financial independence.

When I answered the third question, “What would be my payoff for eliminating this fear?,” I immediately saw that I would be willing to take more risks, I would be more aggressive in pursuing my financial goals, I could and would start my own business, and I would not be so tense and concerned about spending too much or having too little. I would no longer be concerned about the price of everything.

By objectively analyzing my biggest fear in this way, I was able to begin the process of eliminating it. You can begin the process of developing courage and eliminating fear by engaging in actions consistent with the behaviors of courage and self-confidence.

The future belongs to the risk takers, not the security seekers. Life is perverse in the sense that the more you seek security, the less of it you have. But the more you seek opportunity, the more likely it is that you will achieve the security that you desire.

The first and perhaps most important kind of courage is the courage to begin, to launch, to step out in faith. This is the courage to try something new or different, to move out of your comfort zone, with no guarantee of success.

One way to get the courage to begin, from which everything else flows, is to plan and prepare thoroughly in advance. Set clear goals or objectives; then gather information. Read and research in your chosen field. Write out detailed plans of action, and take the first step.

The second kind of courage is the courage to endure, to persist, to stay at it once you have begun. Persistence is a form of courageous patience, and it is one of the rarest types of courage. Courageous patience is the ability to stand firm after you have taken action and before you get any feedback or results from your action. When you plan your work and work your plan through with persistence, even in the face of disappointment and unexpected setbacks, you will build and develop the quality of courage within you.

The third type of courage is the courage to conquer worry — a form of negative goal setting. When you worry, you are dwelling upon, talking about, and vividly imagining exactly what you don’t want to happen. The great tragedy is that even if the situation you are worrying about does not materialize, your health and your emotions will suffer just the same. And the fact is that most of the things that people worry about never happen.

The only real antidote to worry is purposeful action toward a predetermined goal or solution. When you get by doing something to resolve your problem, you will not have the time or the mental capacity to worry. And before you know it, your worrisome situation will have been resolved.
The master of fear and the development of courage are essential prerequisites for a happy, successful life. With a commitment to acquire the habit of courage, you will eventually reach the point at which your fears no longer play a major role in your decision making.

You will set big, challenging, exciting goals, and you will have the confidence of knowing that you can attain them. You will be able to face every situation with calmness and self-assurance, and the key is courage.

Source: A Treasure of Personal Achievement by Brian Tracy

It's time to take action. Not 5 minutes from now but NOW! Right now!


Wednesday, January 29, 2014

A Look Back At January 2014

Part of my "Success Journey 2014" is accountability and closely monitoring my progress. As I look back I want to give myself a pat on the back for what I have accomplished and also for what I have yet to accomplish.

Change - REAL and TRUE change - takes time and massive effort of concentration and focus. Knowing full well that it CAN NOT be accomplished overnight. I have been conditioned for WAY too many years to think and react certain ways that have not taken me in what I want my life's direction to be but I have learned specific ways to change that direction.

I am excited about what is to be!

Join in my quest for greatness. Check out my website

Here are some of my links:

I want to assure you that Im not looking for you to spend any money. I want to encourage you to join me in claiming personal success in 2014. There are aspects of my life where I desire to make a change. I commit to being the change that I seek.

Monday, January 27, 2014

How To Fix and Flip Houses

If you want to join a community of Real Estate Investors that mentor and train people nd become the next success story CLICK HERE for details!

Wednesday, January 22, 2014


Although we pride ourselves as humans for having choice and freewill, we apparently come into our human form with a number of programs that are intended to be our best shot at preparing us for life on Earth. These programs are not chosen by us yet have a great deal of control over us. Savvy individuals have used their knowledge of this human pre-programming to exert considerable control over us. 

We are indoctrinated from birth to feel certain ways about:
  • Sex
  • Power
  • Security
  • Money
  • Purpose
The interesting point is that these are powerful controllers of our behavior and that they can act outside our will and consent. The point is that certain events activate our programs and we 'have to respond'. In one interpretation, our brains have been stimulated at a base, unconscious, level and we put aside our 'reason' and are impelled by our brains to act in a certain, pre-programmed way. 

We do, of course, vary in the strength with which we are impelled by these programs. Some are very high and others could be almost non-existent. Yet when one of these programs goes off in full swing it is very difficult to be rational to any other response

By knowing about these programs and recognizing them when they fire, we can do something about their effect. 

Many people are interested in the PURPOSE of life - what it all means, and where we came from. Are we spirits? Are we bodies? Yet this appears to be program or a deep brain function which impels us to make sense of our lives in some way. Those with an overdeveloped sense of purpose often do things, which if their reason were active, they would not. Witness the regret of those who joined religion or a strange cult and did things, which to someone else may seem to be ridiculous. 

Reason and common sense do not seem to help them. When our SECURITY or SURVIVAL programs are in full swing we are concerned about little else.
These programmed reponses make survival for animals more likely, but in our human society they can also cause the most unpleasant things. Serial killers are often motivated by POWER. Wars sometimes result over TERRITORY. We have relationships with undesirable people because of SEX. We join and are manipulated by strange cults and religions because of PURPOSE. 

Those who understand these things can play us like a fiddle, getting just the response from us that suits their personal agenda. Advertisers and politicians know this very well. 

We can, of course, get some sort of control over these programs. If we didn't have these programs life would be dull or non-existent. Yet we need to come to terms with their negative implications and learn to 'play' them for our own benefit and pleasure 

The first step is in recognizing that an implant has been activated and that our Reason is being threatened. Dealing with them by naming them has long been known as a powerful control technique. By recognizing them and recognizing that they are not part our conscious control and choice, we can gain more control over them. We can let them go full swing when we have decided this is good. And move onto another program if we think they are not appropriate on this occasion. 

By seeing that they are not 'us' but something implanted in us or part of our brains, we can reduce their power and decide to let them run or not - thus gaining more freewill.