Although being rich does have its price, I want to address the price one pays by choosing the path society tells you to take. The path that keeps people just poor enough just to have the illusion of security. The path that takes you through (maybe) college and to find a job. The path that a vast majority of people take.
And the reason the vast majority of people are miserable and poor.
What price does choosing this path cost? I would have to say; your freedom mostly. Freedom to live the life you want. The life of your dreams. As children we all had our dreams of what we wanted to be when we grew up. But somewhere along the line we were subtly convinced that life didn't matter any longer. What mattered was the false security of our parents and what society tell you. Our dreams have died.
So why on earth would you actually choose a path of slavery to a job that you hate and a life that falls short of your dreams? Why would you choose a path of constant struggle and worry? Why have you demonized money simply because you have none? Shouldn't you more be demonizing your educational choices that didn't teach you about how to use money as a tool. A tool that, once learned, will break those financial chains that bind you to your boss that treats you like shit. You all have them dont lie. Every person I know that has a job and a boss does nothing but piss and moan about them.
Why would you want to have such misery in your life?
Im addressing this article to myself just as much as to the reader. I too need to adjust my perception about things in my life - money included - because I KNOW I want more in life than I have. So do you my dear reader. I hope this churned up some feelings within your gut. That proves that you're alive and there is still hope for folks like us.
Its time to change our perceptions about things. Things that REALLY matter to us. To ignore the distractions and truly focus on what we want our lives to be like. Dare to dream the dreams of our youth once again. What do you really want? Remove all limiting beliefs and just dream about what you want, who you want to be and how you really want to live. It ALL has a price, just as the choices you have made until now have.
EVERYTHING has a price. Figure out what you want and what price it comes with. Then just figure out how to pay that price.
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