Wednesday, January 4, 2017

Know the Rules Before You Play the Game

How very true. How few people actually practice this. Take paying income tax for example. WHY would not learn everything you possibly can about this?

Yet you faithfully pay your taxes every April 15, or you file to get a portion of what has been taken from you the entire year. I actually know people who have no problem with this and have no clue about the tax code that determines what you pay to be governed. They simply do what they are told. To comply.

It is social indoctrination and we are formed since birth the ways to fit into society. We are never taught how to think, instead we are taught what to think about. Religion is notorious and should be ashamed for their part in it all.

What is the result?

People trained to be and act a certain way, as society dictates. If you think outside the box or go against the flow, you are looked on as a freak. We are taught to pay taxes and believe in a Christian God because that is what our parents believe, and their parents, and their parents parents for generations.

It's time to start thinking for ourselves, face reality and stop worrying about hurting peoples feelings. Our society needs to shake off the falseness and embrace reality and who we are. We have been conditioned to accept our roles, without question.

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