Friday, January 2, 2015

In 2015...

With the advent of a new year brings an optimistic look at the greatness of things to come.

I have refined my focus from the 2014 campaign of do whatever you can to my new outlook of 2015 to HELP as many people as I can. I am utilizing my talents in a far greater way and expect great things from Camp Capra.

The most predominant change will be Reverend Zesty (, Intellectual Coitus ( and The Provenance Project (

Reverend Zesty is a foul mouth, agnostic preacher who uses Intellectual Coitus (a podcast) to deliver a message from the pulpit unlike any other. It isnt about whose god has the bigger dick. I dont give a shit about that. I preach and teach a message of prosperity using all available resources both secular and religious.

The Provenance Project is an endeavor to gather up resources from across the nation serving people in need at a local, community and national level. Tackling issues like homelessness, hunger and personal finance to name a few, The Provenance Project is my way of giving back to a world that has given me great things and taught me much.

So stay with me and give my message a try. See if it makes the most sense to you and be a disciple. Together we can AND WILL change the world.

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