Why are you able to get results when "credit repair" companies can't?
The answer is that they don't know what I know and they don't do what I do.
What "they" do...
You see, standard credit repair companies send letters to the creditors (jamming) requesting verification of the debt. That company then legally has 30 days to provide you proof of that debt or it has to be deleted. 80% of the time, they are able to send you proof of that debt within the allowed 30 day time frame. This is NOT our method...
What I do...
I send legal letters to the credit bureaus. There are so many things that need to be done compliance-wise and what we have found is that in over 80% of the cases, they are not compliant. Corners are cut, "I's" aren't dotted and "T's" aren't crossed. We have become experts on pointing these things out and once we do, the negative item legally has to be deleted from your credit report.
If you decide to hire a standard "credit repair" company, here is what you can expect:
Over 80% of the time the creditors will verify that you owe the debt.
Even if they do remove something, it may show back up in a few months.
They will charge you month after month until you give up after not seeing results
Your odds of having success with a "credit repair" company is less than 20%!